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Top 500 Students
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Top 1,000 Students
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Frequently Asked Question
1. 3-15 days visit to different IITs, ISRO & NASA. 2. Award to top 1,000 students. 3. Certificates to top 5,000 students. 4. Based on your BSJEE score, you will get scholarships in top schools, coaching classes & colleges. 5. News Media Coverage at the local and national level.
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Testimonials about center
We have an excellent teacher to child ratio at our Kindergarten to ensure that each child receives the attention he or she needs
My younger son returns very happy with all activities happening at your school every day. I am glad that my son is being taught in your school. You have the motst qualified teachers.
Mr. Alexander
KVS - PRT 2020My younger son returns very happy with all activities happening at your school every day. I am glad that my son is being taught in your school. You have the motst qualified teachers.
Mr. Mariah
KVS - PRT 2020My younger son returns very happy with all activities happening at your school every day. I am glad that my son is being taught in your school. You have the motst qualified teachers.
Mr. Jone Deo
KVS - PRT 2020Quicky Enquiry
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